Restore Classic Editor in WordPress


With the new version of the post editor in WordPress 5.0 it is difficult to adapt immediately. That’s why it’s good, and it’s easy to get back the previous version called the classic editor that works with the new version of WordPress 5.0

We can conclude that there are many who are surprised with the new version of WordPress 5.0. Immediately after clicking the Add new post or edit post we see a window that really is to be surprised because it has a different view from the previous versions. However this is easily solved.

To restore previous editor you have to install official WordPress plugin called Classic Editor.

  • Go to Plugins.
  • Click Ad New.
  • Enter Classic Editor.
  • Select Classic Editor by WordPress Contributors.
  • Click Install Now, then Activate Plugin.

Go to Plugins        Click Install Now, then Activate Plugin

Now, after installing the plugin you can choose betwen Classic and Block Editor (new editor)

  • Click Add New Post.
  • On the left side of the window you can choose between Classic and Block Editor by clicking  Switch to Block Editor or Switch to Classic Editor.

switch between classic or block editor - wordpress

I personally think that the new version is not difficult and is suitable to work with, however this is the solution for those who need it.

The new version of WordPress 5.0 includes the new official WordPress theme Twenty Nineteen.

Wordpress Twenty Nineteen theme

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